We are on company vacation from December 23, 2024, to January 3, 2025, and will therefore not be available.
Starting January 6, 2025, we will be there for you as usual.

Company history

2025 - 50 years SCHOTT Diamantwerkzeuge

Our products can be found in the

  • Watchmaking industry
  • Semiconductor industry
  • Dental and medical industry
  • Automotive, aerospace industry
  • Glass and ceramic industry
  • As well as in mechanical engineering and research and development at
    universities and Higher education


The growth path pursued is being continued.


The application technology is constantly updated and expanded. The first ToolShop-systems are installed and patents are filed and registered. A revolution in the diamond tool  Manufacture.


The area of the company and the number of employees have more than doubled, to this will be the third Building located on the former barracks area. For the individual production of  galvanic, sintered and resin bonded diamond tools is also a series production installed been.


This year, Burghard Lein takes over the company as shareholder and managing director after the tragic death of company founder Klaus Schott.


The production capacity is extended and the first building on the former barracks grounds in Stadtoldendorf is occupied.


1999 - 2000

Introduction of electroplating and beginning of the production of galvanic coated tools and the expansion of international sales. The new legal form is established, from "Klaus Schott" to "SCHOTT Diamantwerkzeuge GmbH".


Move into the first company building in Linnenkämper Straße.


Klaus Schott lays the foundation for the manufacture of diamond tools for glass and Ceramic processing

In 1978 the first employee is hired. After the trading activity, the production of diamond tools begins.